Projects & Events 2023
In 2023 we have continued our research into how we can engage with different artists, collectives and projects, and ways to utilise the space effectively to illicit conversation around the arts, place and society.
Click on the project image to find out more.
Ideas Lab February-April
HARI opened the space to interaction with new ideas, and encouraged artists and publics to come in and share their ideas with us, and to develop events out of them with us - including residencies, sound art performances, and a surrealist drawing workshop.
Research In Practice March-April
3rd Yr Fine Art Degree students shared the research interests that inform their practice through dissertation and research posters.
We developed a programme of enrichment events to unpick these themes further.
Love Bomb March
A collaboration between HARI and Hull and East Riding Timebank, in celebration of International Women's Day - with a pop up exhibition, making and singing workshop activity, and plenty of tea, crumpets and chat!
The End Of Art Is Peace April
A 2 week residency by Melissa Martin for the unpacking of this phrase as used by Heaney, borrowed from Yates, with various creative interventions responding to and altering the space throughout.
There's No Future? 5th-19th May
Exhibition by 1st Year Fine Art Degree Students from Hull College. Taking the Sex Pistol's lyric to highlight current and enduring social issues - such as homelessness, addiction, and poor mental health - as a group, through their individual practices and interests.
Colour Quarry 1st-15th June
A residency by Liz Dorton, in which she explored local past and present colour and paint manufacture, particularly Reckitt's Blue.
Liz also shared the space with a number of her past puppets, and worked on constructing a colourful starling.
Phygital Phonics 3. Event June
HARI invited contributions of sound clips and accompanying images / info on a theme of Celebration, which were then reworked into compositions by Internationally based Sound Artists for our hybrid PHYsical-diGITAL event.
RE:DRESS July-September
HARI designed a 3 month season of enquiry around, clothing, identity and the fashion and textiles industries, within the context of our declining High Street environs. 4 Artist Residencies responded to these themes in light of their particular practices.
Blue Green Zine 7th-8th October
A weekend Showcase of individual zines and a collaborative publication made by 14-16 College Creative Media students, through working with The Critical Fish team and invited artist interviews to explore the environments they know and Climate implications.
Working in Thin Places 10th October-12th November
Abstract painter Annie Luke Turner worked on 3 new canvases simultaneously, from blank to completed paintings, over the course of the month, continuing to explore her interest in thin places with us through a programme of discussion, mark making activity, and PP3.
Flow 15-30/11/23
An exhibition of research and processes behind the making of the glass trophies for this year's VHEY REYTA winners, by autistic artist Nadine Storrer, a prolific photographer, writer and crafter, with support from Fiona Caley and Traenerhus.
TRACE 4-18 December 2023
Through their TRACE Residency, Freemetre's Dave Goff and Jay Moy explored ways to reconnect, rekindle, and reimagine urban landscapes - seeking a sense of place, enchantment & wonder in the everyday.