Not Just Window Dressing
RE:DRESS Exhibition & Review
21st December '23-January '24
Exhibition of works made by the RE:DRESS Artists in Residence
and other material gathered during our Summer Season
A display in and visible through the windows of HARI over the Christmas and New Year period that reflects back on the programme and questions around style and sustainable clothing issues.
The exhibition forms part of our evaluation of this programme with the artists.
The artists exhibiting work from their residencies in this show are:
Karen Horsfall
Faith Foster
Caitlin Smith
Alexander E. Jones
Lisa Fielding-Smith
We will also be exhibiting works made in the Hull Zine Library workshops.
The enrichment events we produced/hosted to accompany the show were:
4 x Zine Workshops
24 x open invite engagement afternoons with Karen Horsfall re. clothing memories & ceramics
1 x Craft & Conversation evening
2 x Monday Musings Research Discussion evenings
1 x Film Night documentary about a fashion designer, introduced by Gerry O'Sullivan
1 x Artist Talk
1 x 'Mini Skirts' open invite to present on an area of fashion/clothing - 8 speakers contributed
1 x Finale event 'Style Station' with clothing themed quiz, tombola and disco in a local pub.
Common Threads is a zine made by Caitlin Smith and Faith Foster during, and following, their RE:DRESS residency.
A digital version of the zine can be downloaded here.
Here are some words from Faith and Caitlin about the zine:-
"Common Threads explores our interests in Craft. The similiarities we have in our practices working with threads and commonly using a lot of wool in our craft projects.
Conversation in Common Threads we wanted to create an organic structure in how we form conversation about Community, being an Artist in Hull and associating that with our own identities to others in Hull with Clothing and Everyday Life.
Collaboration, we wanted to create a strong sense of Collaboration as a part of our INTER_CHANGE Showcase by reflecting this in our Zine, Common Threads. To show the progress of how we differ and are similar with our own practices and wanting to establish a community in Hull, as an Artist."