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HARI opened its project space from 1st August to 15th October

to start conversations that put nature and the environment at the centre.

With an Artist Residency, Exhibitions and Occupations, Talks and Discussions,

a Symposium, and a public callout and Phonic Art Event,

together we explored how we can relocate our thoughts around our environment

at a local level and on a global scale.

A HARI Arts Action Research Programme Experiment


During August HARI handed over the project space to a multiplicity of artists with a range of practices and ways of looking at nature our local-global environments at this critical juncture.


As artists we respond to the changing world, and have the capability to share different truths and visions of current situations, express alternative ways of experiencing the world, and imagine new ways of developing sustainable futures.


HARI wanted this RE/LOCATE project to be led by your passions as well as our own idea, to seed an opportunity for us all to explore these issues and how we respond to them collaboratively – to think and act in an environmental way.


To initiate these conversations and suggest alternative perspectives on Nature:Environment, HARI located a fluid cast of practitioners and organisations, alongside a range of resources, to inspire alternative approaches - re-work old ideas - and, above all, spark new collaborations.
At all points we sought engagement with the passing public(s), who were invited in to join these conversations.

Throughout the period we had Artist in Residence Lauren Saunders bringing her Land Empathy Development Lab to the project space.  


Jessie Davies was the first artist exhibiting alongside alongside Lauren's Lab, with her Wetland Paintings and examples of her research studies and experiments.


Dionne Ruffy took occupation of the top floor for 2 weeks in August to give us an upside-down vision of the environment outside HARI, by making the space into a Camera Obscura.


They were joined from 8th-21st September by Martin Lewsley and his Find*Grind*Ponder*Paint experiments in making and painting with pigment from stone, clay and other found materials.


Naturally Dyed Textiles work by Abigail Watkins was also exhibited in the space from this point.


For the final 2 weeks in October Monika Dutta joined the discussions with thoughts around food poverty and production, inviting the public to share their thoughts and experiences in return for free food made from foraged fruits.


Further artists invited to share work and research processes within the conversation with the Land Empathy Development Lab and RE/LOCATE at points throughout - see the call out for contributions below.


ENGAGEMENT Opportunities
Open at various times throughout the week by HARI team and/or occupying artists, we all welcome you to come in and engage with the RE/LOCATE project subject areas through the work of and chats with the artists.

In addition to this general invitation we have a number of artist talks, events and activities for you to take part in, including
- August Thursdays = family activities from 12pm to 4pm.
- August Fridays = Hull Zine Library activities from 2pm to 6pm. The library is on view in the space throughout August - pop in and have a browse of the fantastic developing collection!

- 27th August = Camera Obscura Viewings & Artist Talk by Dionne Ruffy, 11am-3pm
- CRAG (Climate Reading Art Group): 18th August & 20th September, 7-9pm

- 9th September Talk & Social: 6pm Artist Talk on Geopoetics of Drawing by Lauren Saunders, and intro by Martin Lewsley to his project; 7-9pm Launch of Martin Lewsley's occupation.

- 11th September Sound Gathering Walkshop: a psychogeographic walk to experiment with audio recording sounds of nature in the city - for contribution to the Phygital Phonics project & event!

- Colour Symposium, Saturday 17th September

- Regular monthly Monday Musings on 29th August & 26th September, 6-8pm

- Phygital Phonics hybrid digital-physical (online & onsite) event, Sunday 9th October, 6-9pm

More Events TBA


RE/LOCATE YOURSELF! Call-out for Contributions

Developing the RE/LOCATE conversation further, we are interested in works and ideas which engage with the following broad headings:

  • the value of the natural environment and urban green spaces,

  • climate change consequences and adaptations,

  • land ownership and food sovereignty,

  • biodiversity and tenacious weeds versus big agriculture monoculture


Your proposed action may fall under your general arts practice, or could be an experimental approach to working – exploring new approaches to artistically activating these issues.


We have an accompanying programme of learning and discussion opportunities for artists and publics. What areas would you be interested in finding out more about? What conversations can we cultivate, what ideas can we sow? What would you like to contribute to and gain from this programme?


We would love to receive your Expressions of Interest for bringing your work or intervention to the space, or to hold a talk/discussion or to develop an idea or piece of work.

Email with your basic idea and intro to your practice, and suggest dates when you would be available. An informal description of an idea is all we need at this stage as we look to curate a fulfilling and enlightening programme that engages and shares the diverse approaches of different artists.

This is not a paid role, but we will aim to support costs, and to enable you to get the most from the opportunity in terms of professional development and new connections.


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